A story about love and hatred, about those who cheat and who are cheated, about violence and sex and surprising secrets which we learn within these strange twenty four hours.
- 👊 action
- 👥 drama
- Robert WięckiewiczChairman
- Bogdan KocaDetective
- Zbigniew KonopkaAssistant to detective
- Andrzej MastalerzNewspaper seller
- Cezary KosińskiEmployee of the Chairman's company
- Marian DziędzielTaxidriver
- Agnieszka PodsiadlikWife of the Chairman's wife lover
- Maria MajDoctor
- Wojciech ZielińskiAmbulance man
- Roma GąsiorowskaPorno star
- Przemysław BluszczPorno film producer
- Sławomir RokitaBartender's Father
- Michał TarkowskiPedophile
- Aleksandra PopławskaThe lover of the company chairman employee
- Michał ŻurawskiChairman's wife lover
- Krzysztof CzeczotBoy
- Kamilla BaarWife of the Employee of the Chairman's company
- Joanna BogackaMother of Chairman's wife
- Rafał MohrBartender
- Bogusława SchubertBartender's Mother
- Mariusz SłupińskiPoliceman
- Magdalena PopławskaEmployee's Lover
- Janusz Chabiorrecepcjonista
- Olga BołądźBarmaid
- Gabriela MuskałaNewspaper seller's wife
- Julia KamińskaRestaurant employee
- Małgorzata BuczkowskaNurse
- Wiesław CichyAmbulance man
- Wenanty NosulChairman's Client
- Magdalena BoczarskaCashier
- Jacek KwiecieńBoy in Supermarket
- Magdalena LamparskaGirl in Supermarket
- Sonia BohosiewiczChairman's secretary
- Przemysław KaczyńskiPorno cameraman
- Paweł KoślikPolicemam
- Elżbieta Romanowska-
- Mariusz ZaniewskiColleague of the company's employee of the chairman
- Aleksandra BożekAmbulance Dispatcher
- Dominika KluźniakSex Shop Saleswoman
- Magdalena KajrowiczGirl
- Monika Fronczek-
- Sebastian ŁachRestaurant Worker
- Mirosława OlbińskaSaleswoman
- Marek WyrwiczPasserby
- Ewa BregułaWoman with Glasses (uncredited)
- Hanka BrulińskaGirl (uncredited)