Gabriela MuskałaGabriela MuskałaJun 1, 1969 Kłodzko, PolandBiography:Sin descripciónMovies InheritanceZofia KłosFin del mundo?MaszaFree CowAlicjaWheel of LoveMariaThe ChairImage not foundKrime Story. Love StoryPolicewoman AnetaDa kommt noch wasNobody Sleeps in the Woods TonightIzaProcederMonika's MotherFugueKinga Słowik, Alicja7 EmotionsWeronika PorankowskaHatredBronkaThese Daughters of MineKasiaEderlyNarzeczonaWarsaw by NightHonorata (segment "Renata")The Heart and SweetheartBasienkaLife Feels GoodByć jak Kazimierz DeynaZosia, matka KazikaNie ten człowiekCourageViola FirlejKrzysztofDorota OrlowiczZeroNewspaper seller's wifeThe Scent of Flowers Does Not Blow Against the WindBasiaThe General - Attempt at GibraltarSallyAria DivaBasiaJourneyIwonaThe Death of Captain PileckiMaria PileckaOne Long Winter Without FireLabinotaNa swoje podobieństwoAnia,dziewczyna KrystianaQueen of the AngelsMariaConversation with a Cupboard ManWoman in a ParkCzarnowidzkaDorotaDirector The ClownsDirectorShows The ConvictDorota WójcikKrólestwo kobietGabi BielskaSix PeopleBeata MałeckaParadoxKomisarz Monika PiechockaBlood for BloodPamelaThe LondonersEwa Malec