Zbigniew KonopkaZbigniew KonopkaJun 17, 1964 Złotoryja, dolnośląskie, PolskaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The DogDetectiveSimona KossakProfessor NowakThe SeasonsAndrzejWoman of...HeadDoppelganger. The DoubleNot found in TMDBpriestBackwardsPostmanMe and My FatherPhysicianBodoAndrzej WłastBlindnessprokuratorStanisław Lem: Autor SolarisMorrisThe Sun, the Sun Blinded MePlanet SingleSeksuologLetters to Santa 2Man in Parking LotA Grain of TruthPolicjant WojtuśBreakfast in BedRestaurant OwnerThe ChristeningPriestZeroAssistant to detectiveThe Last ActionMinister, syn pułkownik DowgirdGod's Little GardenWaldekŚwiatło odbiteZbyszekDirector None 😵Shows None 😵