Aldo MaccioneAldo MaccioneNov 27, 1935 Torino, ItalyBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Sheila, toutes ces vies-làSelf (archive footage)À la recherche de... Pierre RichardSelf - Actor (archive footage)D'un film à l'autreSelf (archive footage)HousewarmingSalvatoreThe Legend of Al, John and JackThe BossI fetentoniSaro LodatoThe Chambermaid on the TitanicZeppe, ActorPerdiamoci di vistaAntonnaziMascaradeNot found in TMDBAldo BocampeLa GuigneNot found in TMDBAldo BocampeSeul face au crimeImage not foundUgo RampoldiL'aventure extraordinaire d'un papa peu ordinaireImage not foundVittorioSi tu vas à Rio... tu meursAldo, MarcoPizzaiolo et MozzarelCarlo Monte, GonzalesThe CowboyInspecteur César CappucinoAldo et JuniorSeniorThe Executioner of HeartsVittorio GaribaldiPlus beau que moi tu meursAldo, Père MarcoHoly CowTomo SecondoLe corbillard de JulesAldoTe marre pas... c'est pour rire !MarcelloT'es folle ou quoi ?Dominique LombardiA Policewoman in New YorkBig JohnShut Up When You Speak!Giacomo, James Bond, James (espion français)Why Not Us?Marcello Degli Fiori, alias CromagnonPrickly PearsArrigo "Ghigo" BuccilliLe Coq Du VillageGhigo BuccilliI'm PhotogenicA. PedrettiIt's Not Me, It's HimAldo BarazzuttiRiavanti… Marsch!Otello CesariniScusi, lei è normale?Commissario PecorellaThree Under the SheetsAndrea (segment "Sabato mattina")The Small TimersAldo Rimoldi, dit "La classe"Too Shy to TryAldo FerrariEs pecado... pero me gustaRomoloAnimalSergio CampaneseTaxi GirlAdone AdonisLatin Male WantedAmilcareThe Virgo, the Taurus and the CapricornFelice SpezzaferriThe Big OperatorTonyLove in 4 Easy LessonsThe Private Detective (segment "Il detective")Carioca TigreTigreBurnt By A Scalding PassionMichele VismaraThe Loves and Times of ScaramoucheNapoléon BonaparteSex with a SmileAdriano Serpetti (episodio "Un posto tranquillo")Gun MollChopinFrankenstein: Italian StyleThe MonsterTwo hearts, a ChapelVictorThe Dangerous MissionUn SoldatIl piatto piangeCamolaHow Colonel Buttiglione Became a GeneralSergente Alessandro MastinoProfessore venga accompagnato dai suoi genitoriProf. Egisto PetraccoFischia Il SessoGavino PudduduUn ufficiale non si arrende mai nemmeno di fronte all'evidenza, firmato Colonnello ButtiglioneSergeant MastinoNow Where Did the Seventh Company Get to?Soldat TassinSi, Si mon colonelMoney Money MoneyAldoLa Grande MaffiaAldoThe CrookAldo FerrariRobbery Roman StyleExcited man at the stationBadmen of the WestArtieDirector None 😵Shows La Ferme CélébritésAldoAldo tous risquesAldo Bocampe