Fischia Il SessoFischia Il SessoMarch 6, 197410% · 194 minsLoginResumen:A girl from New York, Carol, to get married turns to the marriage agency of Mr. Lewis, who introduces her to Gavino, a young Sardinian immigrant clandestine.Géneros:😆 comedyDirector:Gian Luigi PolidoroCast:Aldo MaccioneGavino PudduduRita TushinghamCarol HoustonLeopoldo TriesteLeonardGigi BallistaMr. LewisGeorge DzundzaDeanMario De VecchiCarlos de MartinoPiero GerliniGavino's CousinBarbara SpiegelRachelRelacionados:BowfingerThe Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th DimensionThe Hard WayThe Santa ClauseNot Another Teen MovieSmall SoldiersBig Momma's House 2Blues Brothers 2000It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad WorldGo for ItFlushed AwayPorco Rosso