MadickenMadickenended27 mins56% · 16SVT1LoginSeason 1Season 2Resumen:Madicken's life on Junibacken is filled with ups and down.Géneros:👨👩👧👦 family😆 comedy❓ childrenCast:Jonna LiljendahlMadickenSebastian HåkanssonAbbeAllan Edwallherr NilssonMonica NordquistmammaLiv AlsterlundLisabethBjörn GranathpappaLis NilheimAlvaSif RuudLinus-IdaBirgitta Anderssonfru NilssonRelacionados:Hello ThereThe Fox's SummerSváko RaganImage not foundRascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl SenpaiCatch-22YouthRun with the WindPretty Boy Detective ClubTisícročná včelaCorporate Office Lady Chie Maru DiaryAll the Same… or NotThe Kindergarten Detective