Red Eagle
Red Eagle
80 mins
74% · 146
La 1
- Specials
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Season 4
- Season 5
- Season 6
- Season 7
- Season 8
- Season 9
Red Eagle is a series of adventure and intrigue on the courage, nobility, friendship and love. The protagonist is an unsung hero of justice of the seventeenth century, known by the nickname of Red Eagle, who helps the weak and who is determined to uncover the conspiracy behind the murder of his young wife.
- 👊 action
- 🗺 adventure
- 👥 drama
- 🔍 mystery
- David JanerGonzalo de Montalvo, Águila Roja
- Inma CuestaMargarita Hernando
- Pepa AniorteCatalina
- Guillermo CampraAlonso de Montalvo Hernando
- Patrick CriadoNuño de Santillana y Guzmán, Marqués de Santillana
- Francis LorenzoHernán Mejías, El comisario
- Xabier ElorriagaRey Felipe IV de Austria
- Elisa MouliaáIrene de Mendoza
- Manuela VelascoEugenia de Molina
- Loles LeónSagrario de Castro
- Mónica CruzMariana
- Carlos ArecesJacobo de Castro
- Peter VivesCapitán Patrick Walcott
- Javier GutiérrezSaturno "Sátur" García
- Miryam GallegoLucrecia de Guzmán, Marquesa viuda de Santillana
- Carles FrancinoMonseñor Adrián Vega
- Carmen MauraOlivia, duquesa de Fournier
- Bárbara LennieCristina Hernando
- Belén LópezPuri
- Sonia LázaroMatilde Torres
- Zé Bernardino-
- Miguel Flor De Lima-
- Lydia BoschMadre Isabel de Montejo