The parents send the student Stepa to the village for summer holidays to his grandmother — as punishment. Here he is forced to abandon modern technological benefits and live by the rules of the village. Running away from local teenagers once again, Stepa tries to hide in a well, but falls into it. When he gets out, he realizes that he has found himself in a real Cossack village of the 17th century. At the most important historical moment of our country. By the will of fate, Stepa will learn a lot from her distant ancestors, find real friends and learn in practice the history lesson that was filled up at school.
- 😆 comedy
- Aleksey LukinСтёпа
- Viktoriya RazumovskayaАленка
- Olesya SudzilovskayaЕлена, мама Степы
- Aleksey MakarovВиктор, папа Степы
- Vitaly KishchenkoПан Матеуш
- Sergey FrolovПоп Беркул
- Vladimir YepifantsevЗнахарь
- Svetlana ListovaАмира
- Georgiy DronovСемён Чурила
- Maksim BelborodovНазар
- Nikolay ShrayberГовор
- Aleksei KravchenkoМарков
- Konstantin MiroshnikovИван
- Marina LebedevaАнна
- Yuliya BedarevaАниська
- Aleksey DmitrievТригуб