Call DiCaprio!
The main character is the star of a popular TV series about doctors, actor Yegor Rumyantsev. Having achieved great success, he becomes an egoist and does not notice the feelings and experiences of those around him: he does not come to the shooting, leads a promiscuous sex life and deceives people. One day, Egor finds out that he has HIV. Rumyantsev's brother Lev is a mediocre and unlucky actor who runs a program about useful handicrafts on the cable channel "Ant-TV". Leo has a pregnant wife with two young daughters. He has no prospects for making money and moving up the career ladder until he gets a chance to replace his brother Yegor in the series.
Show +Géneros:
- 😆 comedy
- 👥 drama
- Alexander PetrovЕгор Румянцев
- Andrey BurkovskiyЛев, брат Егора
- Yuliya AleksandrovaМарина, жена Льва
- Yuliya KhlyninaДаша
- Aleksandra RevenkoПолина
- Anna NevskayaЕкатерина Золотова
- Sergey LavyginСергей, актёр
- Anna KhilkevichАня, бывшая Егора,
- Anton VasilyevВася
- Yana KoshkinaYana
- Igor MirkurbanovСергей Семенович
- Marusya KlimovaМаруся
- Alyona Mordovina-
- Marta Timofeeva-
- Vitaliya Kornienko-
- Yang Ge-
- Ravshana Kurkova-
- Danila Yakushev-
- Darya Feklenko-
- Dmitriy Mukhamadeev-
- Marina Gayzidorskaya-
- Vyacheslav Gulivitsky-
- Pavel Vorozhtsov-
- Artyom Semakin-
- Aleksandra Vlasova-
- Anna Begunova-
- Sergey Muravyov-
- Andris Lielais-
- Nataliya Potapova-
- Alexandr Krasovsky-
- Dmitry Tikhonov-
- Maksim Lagashkin-
- Viktor Ryabov-
- Natalya Pavlenkova-
- Nikita Dyuvbanov-