Andrea FantasiaAndrea FantasiaJan 1, 1970 ✝️ Nov 2, 1985Biography:Sin descripciónMovies From Corleone to BrooklynMan at Train Station (uncredited)The Biggest BattleOld French PartisanLove AngelsAntique DealerMan with the Golden WinchesterDon José HerreraTwenty Thousand Dollars for SevenThe Battle of El AlameinRommel's DoctorThe Long Day of the MassacreGiudiceDon Chisciotte e Sancio PanzaDeadly InheritanceNotaioThe Rovervecchio marinaioDamned Pistols of DallasSheriff RussellThree Dollars of LeadRefHercules, Samson & UlyssesLaertes - Ithaca KingThe Sword of El CidEnrico Graf von MontcadaRage of the BuccaneersBonifacioThe CenturionLucius MummiusCaptains of AdventureSon of SamsonBlacksmithFury of the PagansNogaricThe CossacksHannibalKonsul Paulus EmiliusThe Pirate and the Slave GirlThe Black Archerlo sfregiatoThe Devil's CavaliersDu MenilLa Pica sul PacificoCavalier in Devil's CastleHercules UnchainedKing LaerteKnight Without a CountryLa congiura dei BorgiaHerculesLaertesOrizzonte infuocatoThe Red CloakDirector None 😵Shows None 😵