Ria De SimoneRia De SimoneJun 6, 1947 ✝️ Nov 10, 1995Rome, Lazio, ItalyBiography:Sin descripciónMovies A Cat in the BrainSopranTouch of DeathAlice ShogunTornaMariaGuappariaI carabbimattiMaria AdeleLa moglie in bianco... l'amante al pepeLindaUomini di parolaImage not foundRosariaThe Repeating Student Winked at DeanMonica ZappaGegè BellavitaPupetta (as Anna Ria De Simone)Alessia... A Volcano Under the SkinAunt AgneseNaples... Serenade Caliber 9MailìSchool Teacher in the Housesig.ra Bonci MarinottiThe Highschool Girl Repeating ClassTecla, la bologneseLa PresidentessaAngelinaFor the Love of PoppeaWomen's Camp 119Marta, the Chief KapoThe Virgo, the Taurus and the CapricornSignora ScapicolliLove in 4 Easy LessonsThe Wife (segment "Il detective")Black MaidLucia LombardiniSchool DaysImmacolata BalsamoSorbole... che romagnola!IsottaLove SacrificeElvira - Wife of LeonidaRobin Hood, Arrow, Beans and KarateSoldier of Fortune7. Frau von GiovenaleLa clinica dell'amoreAmaliaIl compromesso... erotico (Menage a quattro)PepponaLa bologneseRosettaVieni, vieni amore mioLovers and Other RelativesGirl with hairs on face (after treatment)Little Funny Guyemigrante che allatta nella stivaJus primae noctisDirector None 😵Shows None 😵