Marc VahanianMarc VahanianApr 17, 1956 Detroit, Michigan, USABiography:Sin descripciónMovies My Amityville DiariesImage not foundSelfFinal ExaminationDetective MarksStrandedWorkmanGale ForceHelicopter PilotAir RageJacksonKeptBillRangersRadio TerroristCrash Point ZeroPilotFinal VoyageSecurity Guard #2Fugitive MindGate GuardInvisible Mom IIWilliamActive StealthDavisThe Kid with X-Ray EyesFelixBlack ThunderRadio OperatorMom, Can I Keep Her?ParamedicThe ShooterTylerExterminator 2StitchThe Ambush MurdersAdam GibbsThe Amityville HorrorJimmyThe RebelsThe Marquis de LaFayetteKing of the GypsiesYoung GroffoA Death in CanaanCliff ParsonsThe Prince of Central ParkElmoRansom for Alice!Nick VithanianNicky's WorldJohnsonUp the SandboxDavid (uncredited)Bless the Beasts & ChildrenLally 2Director None 😵Shows None 😵