Elsa ZabalaImage not foundElsa ZabalaJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies AkelarreHundraTribal WomanPájaros de ciudadThe National ShotgunCaliforniaBeatrizSaludadoraSchool TripManuelaSirvienta de Don RamónFangoWhat Changed Charley Farthing?MadameValley of the Dancing WidowsRobertaWhisky and GhostsNonna di RosySeñora DoctorThe Godfather and His GoddaughtersCurse of the DevilGypsy WitchElla (Trágica obsesión)Vengeance of the ZombiesSusanHorror Rises from the TombMadame Irina KomarovaFlower of HolinessVieja MedieraThe Dracula SagaMrs. GastropTragic CeremonyBlack Mass ParticipantDr. Jekyll vs. the WerewolfUswika BathoryThe Legend of Frenchie KingThe Feast of SatanHotel GuestSi estás muerto, ¿por qué bailas?Spaniards in ParisEl mesón del gitanoTurista americanaA Candidate for a KillingEsa mujer99 Women(uncredited)Two Undercover AngelsFashion Store OwnerLos que tocan el pianoMrs. BannisterNo somos de piedraOscuros sueños de agostoEl arte de no casarseAmadorKettyDirector None 😵Shows None 😵