Go RijuGo RijuJul 31, 1962 Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies ShimanekoShadow of FireTales of the Bizarre: 2023 Fall SpecialKamaishi Ramen StoryTsuyoshiThe Sound of GrassKazuo's fatherThe Supporting Actors in ByplaywoodTrue MothersTakeshi HamanoLove Dou HuaWe Are Little ZombiesLady in WhiteShuji KisaragiIce Cream and the Sound of RaindropsZen and BonesMotoi ShimuraYuriko's Picture BookCrime's BlankKazuyoshi MiyazakiThe Man of the Political EconomyKonoe FumimaroThis Country’s SkyWonderful World EndTakumi TsukiyamaHot RoadTakatsuSweet PoolsideShigeo GotoTeam Batista the Movie: The Portrait of KerberosDaisuke MifuneAtaru: The First Love & The Last KillTatsuo EbinaThe IntermissionSPEC: HeavenKaoru FukutomiControl TowerTsutomuWandering HomeDir of Mikasa ClinicKanikôsenIshibaPeeping TomTokyo RendezvousThe SinKitaroMr. Haruhiko MiuraHoney and CloverMaster of TeahouseTokyo of the Dead - 3 daysHaru, Bânîzu deWolf GirlAkira's FatherDesireGogglesHaruki's fatherVitalDr. NakaiBlack KissTokyo NoirEurekaBusjack ManYou Alone Can't SeeTsutomuOpen HouseInterviewerTokyo Fair WeatherBody and SoulMy Secret CacheEdogawaAtlanta BoogieDentsu ManThe Files of Young Kindaichi: School's Seven Mysteries Murder CaseItsuki YosukeNatural WomanAll Under the MoonSalarymanAll Under the MoonSalarymanPineapple ToursHideyoshiGuinea Pig: Mermaid in the ManholeMale NeighborRobinson's GardenMan in restaurantJazz DaimyoKazuma AkasakaMishima: A Life in Four ChaptersMishima, age 18-19 (segment "Flashbacks")MienaiThe FuneralMan Who Climbs TreeAt This Late Date, the CharlestonJiro OkonogiDirector Good-bye DebussyDirectorChloeDirectorBeRLiNDirectorElephant SongDirectorZazieDirectorMienaiDirectorAt This Late Date, the CharlestonAssistant DirectorShows Himitsu ~ The Top Secret ~Police Commissioner GeneralThe Beginning of the SeaNagumo ShoheiRe: Revenge - At the End of DesireTakamura MinoruHakubo no ChronicleFusegi Shusuke3000 Yen: How to Enrich LifeMikuriya KazuhikoGannibalMorobe Police Department HeadThe Van Gogh DownstairsYutaka WatanukiHiruMuraoAvalancheEisaku GoharaOne Hundred Million Yen's Goodbye行列の女神~らーめん才遊記~Ryoji ShiomiTetsu no HoneSIGNMasuo ShimoyamaA Lone Scalpel60 JUSTICE PROJECTKatsushige FuruhataNozaki Shuhei - Auditor of BankIchiro HayashiHokuto: Some Murderer's ConversionHeavenNozaki EijiThe Final Deal of Mega-BankKeisei Saimin no OtokoKonoe Fumimaro全力離婚相談KurokouchiKakizaki KiyohikoATARUTatsuo EbinaCO: Transplant CoordinatorTrouble ManTagawaTeam Batista 2: General Rouge no GaisenDaisuke MifuneGarden of the WindUchiyamaThe AuditorMiracle Zoo ~ The Asahiyama Zoo Story ~Shoujo ga Otona ni Naru Toki -Sono Hosoki Michi-