Takuma WadaTakuma WadaJan 4, 1986 日本山形县Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Bakumatsu Without Honor And HumanityIppei OtomoStage Play Requiem of the Rose KingHenri VIThe Executioner Prince and His WomanThe Scary Story that Really Happened: The House that was CursedPSYCHO-PASS Virtue and ViceSea OpeningTurnabout Prosecutor - Turnabout TeleportationMiles EdgeworthA Summer SongTakeshiTurnabout Prosecutor - Turnabout TeleportationMiles EdgeworthGyakuten Saiban: Turnabout SpotlightMiles EdgeworthOur Highland HotelMikuroDirector None 😵Shows 0.5DHamamoto MakotoSolliev0Touma AmatsukiAccomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender#ColdGameMasayuki Kobashi