Tony CaunterTony CaunterSep 22, 1937 Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Doggin' AroundSergeant GreeneWallpaper WarriorTommy "Tea-bag" BrightMagic MomentsTelevision DirectorTumbledownAir CommodoreSilas MarnerMr. SnellDoctor Who: EnlightenmentJacksonDoctor Who: EnlightenmentNot found in TMDBJacksonThe Scarlet PimpernelPochardThe BoxwallahImage not foundArthur PriceP.Q. 17CoxswainThe CauseDollyBraces HighCafe ProprietorHappyMr HowardDark WaterManagerS.O.S. TitanicChief Officer Henry WildeWaterloo SunsetThomas DwyerThe Vanishing ArmyPinnockDinner at the Sporting ClubRay LittleThe Hunchback of Notre DameClopinPiano LessonsGeorgeKitesJenkinsSpeech DayDouglasThe OperationAldermanThe AsphyxWardenStocker's CopperVincentDoctor Who: Colony in SpaceMorganThe Mind of Mr. SoamesSchoolteacherLay Down Your ArmsMickSeason of the WitchLorry driverSeason of the WitchLorry DriverThe Adding MachineThird cell jailerA Twist of SandEltonThe Magnificent Six and ½: Peewee's PianolaTruck DriverThe HillMartinDoctor Who: The CrusadeThatcherThe Ipcress FileO.N.I ManA Tap on the ShoulderSecurity guardDirector None 😵Shows The ChiefEastEndersRoy EvansBig DealHenry DiamondThe CleopatrasAchillasJuliet BravoDCI Jim LoganPennies from HeavenCafe ProprietorKing CinderRichard HutsonThe Legend of Robin HoodAll Our SaturdaysQueenie's CastleJack Henry ShepherdUnited!