John AbineriJohn AbineriMay 18, 1928 ✝️ Jun 29, 2000Bath, Somerset, England, UKBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Making of Shakedown: Return of the SontaransGiorginoDoctor JodelDeath TrainDr. Karl LeitzigBorn KickingArchieThe Godfather: Part IIIHamilton BankerMaigretRenaultFighting BackBailiffThe Burston RebellionFarmer FowlerUnfair ExchangesPlaywrightArch of TriumphFernandRobin Hood and the SorcererNot found in TMDBHerne the HunterRobin of Sherwood: Robin Hood and the SorcererHerne the HunterJamaica InnRichardsThe ExecutionerSchroederHenry VBishop of ElyDoctor Who: The Power of KrollRanquinOperation: Daybreak(uncredited)Good Salary, Prospects, Free CoffinInspector BruffDoctor Who: Death to the DaleksRichard RailtonPope JoanChurch OfficialDiamonds Are ForeverAirline Representative (uncredited)The Dolly SceneChemist's AssistantThe McKenzie BreakHauptmann KranzDoctor Who: The Ambassadors of DeathCarringtonThe Assassination BureauPolice Inspector (uncredited)Doctor Who: Fury from the DeepVan LutyensFuneral in BerlinRukelThirteen to CentaurusCol. ChalmersThe World of George Orwell: 1984Man in white coatDead Man's ChestArthurOperation CrossbowGerman PolicemanThe July PlotColonelEcho of BarbaraRankinDirector None 😵Shows MaelstromRobin of SherwoodHerne the HunterLaceUncle HaroldThe Moon StallionSir George MortenhurzeThe Legend of Robin HoodSurvivorsHubertThe Witch's DaughterSmithThe Last of the MohicansChingachgook