Shinya NiiroShinya NiiroApr 21, 1975 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Cells at Work!Streptococcus pyogenesTales of the Bizarre: 2024 Summer SpecialMishima Sakonう蝕The Forbidden PlayKawasakiSefure no Hinkaku: KetsuiKuriyamaDivineS-friends: HatsukoiRide or DieKotaro ShinodaThe Night Beyond the Tricornered WindowKazuomi Sakaki4.50 from PaddingtonSeizo TomizawaFuunjitachi ~ Rangaku Kakumei-henSugita GenpakuKamen Rider 4King, Kamen Rider Dark KivaHunger of the DeadThe Fearless Otojiro's CompanyDirector None 😵Shows Eye SeeKatsumura EijiOmusubiWakabayashi TakeoSefure no Hinkaku The SeriesKuriyamaUnknownHajime MinamijujiThe 13 Lords of the ShogunZenjo AnoM -beloved one-Tenmei KiraKamen RiderKing