Wei ZiWei ZiFeb 16, 1956 Ningxia, ChinaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Wonderful YouthCoach QinRequiemCrime of PassionWu DuiThe Man Behind the Courtyard HouseSunrise, Sunset共和国之旗The Day the Sun Turned ColdLoverA Story of XiangxiangImage not found冲出死亡营龙泽寿The Scientist Jiang Zhuying蒋筑英The Girl KillerBallad of the Yellow River当归白杨树下Director None 😵Shows 唐朝诡事录之西行曹仲达To LoveChief LiA Scholar Dream of WomanXuan Ze'en英雄祭Jiang Nianlun一代枭雄ZhengXian Wei, 魏正先The Dog Sticks大戏法Glory Land水二爷He Luo Kang JiaJourney to the WestJade EmperorTie LihuaZhao Yuan Geng地下地上Xu YinchuThe King of Shanghai常力雄Wang Zhaojun牧羊人The Great DunhuangLiang Muo Tan [Final Chapter]红顶商人胡雪岩胡雪岩天下第一楼卢孟实红旗谱(2004)Digital ArmyZhao ZimingLaughing in the WindYue Buqun背叛情满珠江冯子材Liu YongfuContendersCheng Hui