Richard HaleRichard HaleNov 16, 1892 ✝️ May 18, 1981Rogersville, Tennessee, USABiography:Sin descripciónMovies Evil TownLester WylieFamily PlotA.A. Adamson (uncredited)Rafferty and the Gold Dust TwinsReverend CulpepperDr. ShagetzLester WylieScandalous JohnOld IndianNight GalleryDoctorDr. Heidegger's ExperimentMr. GascoigneGood Neighbor SamMr. Vernier (uncredited)To Kill a MockingbirdNathan RadleyTower of LondonTyrusThe Incredible Doktor MarkesanProf. Everett LatimoreSergeants 3White EagleBen-HurGaspar (uncredited)Short Cut to HellATFriendly PersuasionPurdyPillars of the SkyIsaiahA Man AloneJudge Witham (uncredited)MoonfleetStarkillMan on a BusFirst PrisonerCanyon CrossroadsJoe RiversDrum BeatRed GartersDr. J. Pott TroyThe Diamond QueenGabriel TavernierJulius CaesarA SoothsayerSan AntoneAbraham LincolnRogue's MarchIgorA Star Shall RiseGasparSpringfield RifleGen. Halleck (uncredited)CaribbeanShip's Doctor (uncredited)The Miracle of Our Lady of FatimaFather FerreiraScaramouchePerigoreYoung Man with IdeasVishto (uncredited)The Man with a CloakDurand, the lawyerThe Unknown ManAngels in the OutfieldDr. Blane (uncredited)The Law and the LadySheriff (uncredited)Soldiers ThreeGovind-LalKimHassan BeyThe Desert HawkIman, the Holy OneConvictedJudge (uncredited)The Pilgrimage PlayPontius PilateAll the King's MenRichard Hale (uncredited)Port SaidMario GiustanoQueen EstherMordecaiThe Other LoveProfessor LinnakerThe Man Who DaredReginald FoggThe Devil's MaskCurator Raymond HallidayBadman's TerritoryBen WadeAbilene TownCharlie FairA Thousand and One NightsKofirThe Girl in the CaseJohn HeyserKnickerbocker HolidayTammanyNone Shall EscapeRabbi David LevinCaprice of the MountainsTim BakerDirector None 😵Shows None 😵