Hiroshi MinamiHiroshi MinamiMar 15, 1928 ✝️ Mar 4, 1989Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Mighty JackSurgical Designs in FlamesPort ArthurSergeant300 Million Thief Immune to Charges BeginsKarate KillerThree Little GeishaOrder of the SalarymanSecret Zone of TokyoThugs of ShinjukuYukyo-retsudenBrothers of CaponesTrapped, the Crimson BatYasugoroSecret InformationKeiichi HanamuraTraveling in PartyParoleBranded to KillGihei KasugaSaga from Chichibu Mountains - Sword Cuts the ShadowsKeijirô IchinoseA Woman's GambleO.S.S. 117: Mission to TokyoPolice Department Story Pt.24: MissingDetective AzumaPhantom AgentsHomicideKoichi MurayamaEdo Crime Book: Black ClawsRyu NagaiPolice Department Story Pt.23: ConfessionDetective AzumaA Life of IntimidationElement of SurpriseMiyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword StyleToji - Gion FujitsuguThe Revenge and the DeathTomishimaDuel of the UnderworldPolice Department Story Pt.22: Teenage FootstepsDetective AzumaPolice Precinct Part 21Detective AzumaCosmetic Sales CompetitionGonpachiro ShiraiThe Life of Rikisha-ManPolice Department Story Pt.20: Backing InvestigationDetective AzumaFearful WitchMiyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka HeightsFujitsugu GionHell's KitchenPolice Department Story Pt.19: LandfillDetective AzumaFour SistersSankichi AsayamaPolice Department Story Pt.18: Mysterious Red PhoneDetective AzumaG-Men in the PacificHyodoTange Sazen: Heavenly Clouds, Earthly Dragon新婚シリーズ 最初が肝心新婚シリーズ 月給日は嫌いSouth Pacific Waves Are HighRascals! Go to HellThe Happy-Go-Lucky GuyCityPolice Precinct Part 17Detective AzumaThe StragglersSecretThe Great RoadThe Second Bullet is MarkedMan of the WorldKeishichō monogatari iryū-hin nashiKeishichō monogatari 108 gōshaKeishichō monogatari gao no nai on'naMen in a Rough TownPoints and LinesKiichi MiharaThe Deep Blue SeaDirector None 😵Shows Mighty Jack