Patti TippoPatti TippoMar 21, 1960 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies The Evolution of Horror Cinema WorldwideHorror Film ExpertDrunk, Driving, and 17Janice Kanoff Esq.First LoveEllen SosoyanDon't Look UpFrench PresidentMore Beautiful for Having Been BrokenRhondaFamous and FatalEmilyCall Me ClausBarmaidDesperate But Not SeriousDevelopment WomanCradle Will RockVTA - ClerkBeing John MalkovichMalkovich's MotherThe Iron GiantAdditional Voices (voice)InfidelityBelleBarb WireMomAce Ventura: When Nature CallsMom TouristEd WoodNurse (uncredited)Dangerous HeartPolicewomanFreakedRosie the PinheadBrain DeadResidentOmega SyndromeSallySid and NancyTanned and Sultry BlondeEcho ParkTelegram StripperThe Party AnimalSorority Girl10 to MidnightParty GirlDirector None 😵Shows Average JoeWinny Harris