John HarveyJohn HarveySep 27, 1911 ✝️ Jul 19, 1982London, England, UKBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Le PetomaneThe Three HostagesImage not found2nd Club MemberLegend of the WerewolfPrefectThe Satanic Rites of DraculaCommissionaireSacco & VanzettiMinister PalmerA Challenge for Robin HoodWallaceThey Came from Beyond SpaceBill TrethowanDoctor Who: The Macra TerrorOfficiaThe Deadly BeesThompsonDoctor Who: The War MachinesProfessor BrettThe PsychopathReinhardt KlermerPity About the AbbeySir Alfred PageJoey BoySignals officerThe Kiss of the VampirePolice SergeantThe Old Dark HouseClub ReceptionistThe Scarlet BladeSgt. GreyHeavens Above!Wilson, Prison OfficerThe Wrong Arm of the LawSergeant at Police Station (uncredited)The Phantom of the OperaSgt. VickersDoomsday at ElevenAssistant CommissionerDouble BunkJohnnieTwo Way StretchGovernor Rockhampton PrisonTunes of GlorySergeant (Bridge Hotel)Hell Is a CityFingerprint OfficerThe Stranglers of BombayBurns (uncredited)The Ugly DucklingSergeant BarnesHorrors of the Black MuseumMan in BookshopEdge of FuryFreddieThe Man Who Wouldn't Talk(uncredited)Night of the DemonHobart's BrotherThe Long HaulSupt. MacreaTrue as a TurtleFirst OfficerX the UnknownMaj. CartwrightThe Big FrameKenneth PetersCastle in the AirAndrewsSouth PacificCmdr. William HarbisonAngels One FiveStation Warrant OfficerHigh TreasonScotland Yard ManThe Black WidowDr. WallaceFour DaysHammond StubbsThe Man with My FaceBuster CoxThe Dark LightRogerStage FrightInspector Loomis (uncredited)Cairo RoadMaj. MaggouryChance of a LifetimeBlandPrivate AngeloCpl. McCunnDick Barton Strikes BackMajor HendersonNooseMack (uncredited)A Gunman Has EscapedEddie SteeleThe SpiderBurnsPin Up GirlTommy DooleyFour Jills in a JeepTed WarrenDirector None 😵Shows Rings on Their Fingers