Shade RupeShade RupeAug 23, 1968 Fullerton, California, USABiography:Sin descripciónMovies West Side StoryConstruction WorkerSmall Engine RepairDisturbed Bar Patron (uncredited)The IrishmanTeamster (uncredited)JokerBartenderTullyBar Patron (uncredited)The CommuterBus Accident Doctor (uncredited)Three ChristsMental PatientChuck16mm Cameraman (uncredited)John Wick: Chapter 2Opera Attendee (uncredited)The Secret Life of Walter MittyPedestrian (uncredited)Anchorman 2: The Legend ContinuesSunglasses Salesman (uncredited)13 Scarier Movie MomentsImage not foundSelfSpider-Man 3City Hall Cheerer (uncredited)A Wavering Heterosexual Confronts the Pleasure Principle Head On, Forced to DecideThe StudDirector None 😵Shows None 😵