Kenji KusumotoKenji KusumotoMar 12, 1929 Wakayama Prefecture, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies FukuokaElevator PassengerThe Rapacious JailbreakerYakuza vs. Gang LeaderCode of WolvesThird Generation BossThe Tattooed HitmanBohachi Bushido: The VillainDarumaJapan's Top GangsterOrganized Crime: Killer's GloryThe Kanto Scarlet Cherry GangA Scarred Life 2: Blood Will TellThe ManA Modern Yakuza: Three Decoy Blood BrothersDaggerA Lively GeishaBrothers of CaponesThe Fort of DeathRed Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling RoomThe Biggest GambleRed Peony Gambler: Second Generation CeremonyTsujinokichiRed Peony GamblerNakagawaBakeneko: A Vengeful SpiritSasaki HayatoThe BanditsYamaguchiScoundrelBlack NinjaShowdown of Men 2Three GamblersTatsuma OkamotoSeven FugitivesCode Between Brothers 2Watari, the Ninja BoyShowdown of MenChivalrous NatureThe GamblerThe Tattooed LordHoodlum MatchGamblers and RacketeersGroup Burglars Break the Magistrate's OfficeGunjuro IzumiThe DomainThe Great DuelThe Kingdom of Jirocho 3Warrior of the WindMiyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo TempleThe Yagyu Military Art: The One-Eyed NinjaDuel of Blood and SandThe Kingdom of Jirocho 2The Kingdom of Jirocho 1The Coin Thrower ZenigataSword of Wind and CloudsBlind WolfMiyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword StyleThe Yagyu Military Art: The Buried ConspiracyKagemaru of the Iga ClanGorobeiSeventeen NinjaThe Yagyu Military Art: Yagyu ListRevenge for His LoverMark of BloodLion Festival of EchigoA Revengeful RaidThe Phantom GoblinShimmering SwordŌedo no takaHatamoto taikutsu otoko: nazo no sango yashikiGood RascalsDojo ownerThe Red ShadowSanjûrô SakataRestoration FireOkita SojiWhistling DrifterSeven Knights Pt. 3The South Sea WolfFine ManTraveling of Two Young MenCases of An Actor in Disguise: Bloodskull MansionGolden Peacock Castle, Part 1人形佐七捕物帖 恐怖の通り魔Unruly LionSword of DestinyMighty ShosukeThe PiratesBloody Account of Jirocho: Duel at Fujimi PassLord Mito: All Star VersionThe Man Who Came to Shimizu HarborNinja AssassinsRunway to HellSandy CruiseBloody Account of Jirocho: Raid on the RoadBloody Account of Jirocho: Duel at AkibaReturn of the One-Armed SwordsmanRoad of Chivalry53 Stages of the RoadEcho in the MountainsGoichiro TendoA Spectacular ShowdownLord Mito 2: The Nation's Vice ShogunBored Hatamoto: The Daimonji ConspiracyHawk of the NorthNo Stronger SwordsHappily Tied to the RoadGunbei OyamadaThe Forbidden CastleThe Abandoned SwordsEpic CrashSouls in the Moonlight IISecret of The Golden SpellIwabuchi TatsunosukeA Chivalrous SpiritSasaki Kojiro, Part 2Lord MitoRed peonies on the skinRebellionTales of Young Genji KuroThe Lord Takes a Bride旗本退屈男 謎の紅蓮塔Shimizu Port of Chivalry神変美女桜Ninja's WeaponVirtue in SpadesThe master of the sword dance旗本退屈男 謎の決闘状ふり袖小天狗Young Ruddy Warrior: Nobunaga OdaOda NobukiyoBloody Spear at Mount Fuji一本刀土俵入 Clan Revival: Part 3Clan RevivalSanada Ten BravesMerciless Blade Part 2Fencing MasterDirector None 😵Shows None 😵