Gō KurodaImage not foundGō KurodaJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Abare chōhanRed Sword Sheath: Code Of Honour: Recieving OrdersGirl Boss: Broken JusticeOutlaw: Black DaggerOutlaw: HeartlessOutlaw: Gangster VIP 2Diamonds of the AndesOutlaw: Gangster VIPThe Return of the Filthy SevenA Colt Is My PassportKill or get killed!Gambling KittenMaki's BodyguardTaking the CastleBlack SunCop DOnly on MondaysCruel Gun StoryYouth of the BeastTokio MorikawaDetective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell, Bastards!Hana to ryuNamari o buchikomeFresh Leaves零戦黒雲一家Sun and starsHitori tabiSong of a TravellerThe Rambler Goes North早射ち無頼 大平原の男I'll End in HellChanJoe of Aces: Give and TakeRambling in the Sea銀座旋風児 嵐が俺を呼んでいるHe Killed DadThe Rambler Rides AgainUmi no jōji ni kakeroThe Warped OnesHardware Store OwnerThe Tokyo Mighty GuyThe Rambler in the SunsetThe Gun Like LightningThe Day of YouthRyuji, the Gun SlingerThe Cards Will TellThe Guitarist and the RancherThe Human Cycloneおヤエの女中と幽霊The Eagle and the HawkFrankie the MilkmanPure Emotions of the SeaCell No. 8Director None 😵Shows None 😵