Arne MacPhersonImage not foundArne MacPhersonJan 1, 1970 Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies WinnerAgent TaylorWintertideMan in CellBed RestForemanThe Ice RoadMiner ClaudeTales from the Hood 3MickeyScopophobiaHeimÞrá: In Thrall to HomeSelfThe IdolNot found in TMDBHenry's FriendLucky ChristmasManWrong Turn 4: Bloody BeginningsDr RyanHorsemenNavratilThe Hessen AffairNicky ScalinioEye of the BeastGunnar ThorsonManeaterHarry (uncredited)What If God Were the Sun?Joe DrakeThe PlagueDavidPopulation 436JackA Bear Named WinnieWallaceLeaving MetropolisHomeless ManLesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of NatureRed TeamFreddy WhitesideEscape from MarsRemiHeaterGuyGood Citizen: Betty BakerTedA Day in the Life of a Bull-DykeJealous DateLast Train HomeGrahamDirector None 😵Shows Alter Boys