Yeung WahYeung WahJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Disciples of the 36th Chamber(extra) (uncredited)The 8 Diagram Pole FighterPan Mei's Soldier (uncredited)The ChampionsVillage Contest ParticipantGhosts GaloreJapaneseCat vs. RatEmperor's Bodyguard, Tong's Servant (uncredited)The Chinese StuntmanMasked assassinLegendary Weapons of ChinaFighter in Opening TitlesMartial ClubStudent (uncredited)My Young AuntieSheng's Thug (uncredited)Return to the 36th ChamberBoss Wang's ThugCarry on Wise GuySnake Deadly ActTeacher, RascalClan of the White LotusChing FighterMad Monkey Kung FuDuan's Thug (uncredited)Dirty HoSuku's ManThe Shadow BoxingGambling Den Bouncer, Zombie (uncredited)Heroes of the EastMartial Art StudentHeaven Sword and Dragon Sabre IIMing Clan Five FightersShaolin MantisGuard (uncredited)The 36th Chamber of ShaolinMonk Ji Wei of Wrist ChamberBruce Lee: The Man and the LegendSelfThe Cub Tiger from Kwang TungChow's ThugThe BastardGu's ThugHapkidoHapkido Student (uncredited)Lady WhirlwindThug (uncredited)Fist of FurySusuki's StudentDirector None 😵Shows None 😵