Pat CooperPat CooperJul 31, 1929 ✝️ Jun 6, 2023 Brooklyn, New York, USABiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Three Stooges: Hey Moe! Hey Dad!Image not foundSelfIf These Knishes Could Talk: The Story of the NY AccentSelfThe AristocratsSelfThis Thing of OursJohn BrunoPat Cooper: You're Always Yelling!Analyze ThatMasielloCode of EthicsImage not foundMr. DeAngeloAnalyze ThisSalvatore MasielloClass Act: A Teacher's StoryImage not foundCoach CorsiniFighting BackHarry JanelliCharlie and the Great Balloon ChaseImage not foundUncle MikeOn Location with Pat CooperDirector None 😵Shows The Rat PackSelf