Rick MercerRick MercerOct 17, 1969 Biography:Rick Mercer (born October 17th, 1969) is a Canadian actor, writer and producer.Movies Stronger Together, Tous EnsembleSelfBeing CanadianHimself, SelfHow To Be DeadlySelfRiding a Train of ThoughtsImage not foundSelfThe Young and Prodigious T.S. SpivetRoyBon Cop Bad CopTom BerryKeeping Up with Cathy JonesSelfSecret NationChris VokeyUnderstanding BlissRichard (Turkish Knight)No ApologiesImage not foundSimonThe Vacant LotDirector None 😵Shows Rick Mercer ReportHimself - HostTuning In: Fifty Years on the CBCSelf - HostMade in CanadaThis Hour Has 22 Minutes