Choi Kin-ShingChoi Kin-ShingJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Colour of the TruthCyclop's gangsterSkyline CruisersGuardDouble TapPolicemanBlack Cat in JailThugStreet Kids Violence神仙BAnna MagdalenaKing of RobberyPolicemanHail the JudgeOne of the 3 Notorious RobbersLove on DeliveryThe Kung Fu Cult MasterGreen Willow Villa's GatekeeperCrime StoryCIDButterfly and SwordLord Suen's ManPolice Story 3: Super CopPRC Policeman (uncredited)Today's HeroMainland Gang MemberBullet in the HeadMr. Leong's ThugAn Eye for an EyeAngel's MissionThe Iceman ComethMy Heart Is That Eternal RoseShen's HitmanBurning AmbitionBloody BrotherhoodRunaway BluesTiger CageFuryDirector None 😵Shows None 😵