Rikard LjarjaRikard LjarjaJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies AnathemaThe Weight of TimeVasiliThe Circle of MemoryBitter SpringFotografiOn the Verge of LifeAndreaHell '43AndreaThe Radio Stationkomandanti DinoThere is Life in the Snowy ForestsLukaThe MonumentFshatarThe IllegalsTostiAt the Beginning of SummerSeeking Sun PathsGaqo tipografiThe ExplosionIliriWhite RoadsDedaPaths of WarRremaThe ConscienceKujtimiStars of Long NightsAdiliOnce at DawnKomisariOld WoundsNaimiVictory Over DeathPerlat PëllumbiSilent DuelSkënderiThe Commissar of LightDritan ShkabaDirector The Weight of TimeDirectorWhen the Doors of Life Are OpenedDirectorThe Bridge Under the CastleDirectorThe End of a Blood FeudDirectorThe first day of appointmentDirectorHell '43DirectorThe Radio StationDirectorThere is Life in the Snowy ForestsDirectorThe IllegalsDirectorSeeking Sun PathsDirectorShows None 😵