Alphonso DuBoisImage not foundAlphonso DuBoisJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies At Long Last LoveBaseball Game Spectator (uncredited)Blazing SaddlesTownsman (uncredited)What a Way to Go!Frenchman (uncredited)Seven Days in MayReporter (uncredited)Pocketful of MiraclesShip Passenger (uncredited)Summer and SmokeCockfight Spectator (uncredited)North by NorthwestMan at United Nations Building (uncredited)Around the World in Eighty DaysSaloon Patron (uncredited)The Big StealPolice Sergeant (uncredited)Out of the PastCasino Patron (uncredited)Riff-RaffClerk (uncredited)The Great FlamarionStagehand (uncredited)Seven SinnersNightclub Patron (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows None 😵