Yuan Man-TzuYuan Man-TzuNov 5, 1957 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Bruce and the Iron FingerSu SuGi GiYelSensual PleasuresShi Yi's daughterCrazy Bumpkins in SingaporeBruce's Deadly FingersSiu ChuBig Times for the Crazy BumpkinsMimiThe Super InframanLiu Mei-MeiIt's All in the FamilyHsu Hsiu LinFists of FireImage not foundHerself (as Lisa Yuen)Na Cha the GreatSu JuanShaolin Martial ArtsAh WaiThirteenLu Hsiu-PaiThe House of 72 TenantsTenantThe Master of Kung FuHsiao LanThe PirateHai TangThe VillainsProstituteBlood BrothersCourtesan (uncredited)The BastardGu's MaidIntimate Confessions of a Chinese CourtesanAinu's MaidThe Boxer from ShantungProstitute (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows None 😵