Bess WadeImage not foundBess WadeJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies PinkyWoman (uncredited)The Velvet TouchBerthaHazardWoman in Tank (uncredited)Among the LivingWagon TrainBacon BuyerStranger on the Third FloorCourt Scrubwoman (uncredited)The Great McGintyBit Role (uncredited)The Ghost Comes HomeClub Patron (uncredited)Mr. Smith Goes to WashingtonCommitteewoman (uncredited)Five Little Peppers And How They GrewAssistant CookLet Us LiveTheatre Scrubwoman (uncredited)You Can't Take It with YouNeighbor (uncredited)Missing WitnessesMinor Role (uncredited)Mr. Deeds Goes to TownMinor Role (uncredited)The Gold RushWoman in Dance Hall (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows None 😵