Taungaroa EmileTaungaroa EmileJan 1, 1970 New ZealandBiography:Taungaroa Emile (born 1978) Is a New Zealand actor of Māori descent.Movies Nancy From Now OnEnemy WithinIzzy KaanaoiBelief: The Possession of Janet MosesShaneTangiwai: A Love StoryImage not foundToki AwaAftershockDiabeticRain of the ChildrenTokoPatu IhuImage not foundOlder NarksThe Man Who Lost His HeadMaku (as Taungaroa Emile Jr)No. 2SoulKerosene CreekImage not foundSonny BoyTama TūMāori Battalion SoldierThe Legend of Johnny LingoPua's Friend #1Whale RiderWillieJubileeTyronWhat Becomes of the Broken Hearted?Boogie HekeStaunchFred StevensYoung HerculesThamusFlight of the AlbatrossMakoOnce Were WarriorsMark 'Boogie' HekeDirector None 😵Shows None 😵