Wan Chi-KeungWan Chi-KeungMay 1, 1956 ✝️ Feb 16, 2010Hong Kong, British Crown Colony [now China]Biography:Sin descripciónMovies When Beckham Met OwenMoving TargetsInfernal Affairs IIIOfficer LeungInfernal Affairs IIOfficer LeungInfernal AffairsOfficer LeungCandlelight's WomanDon't Give a DamnCID on the BusPerfect ExchangeLau Yiu ChorThe BanquetVillagerEastern CondorsCol Young's CommandoCity GirlDr. Roy Ho100 Ways to Murder Your WifeThe Turning PointFunny BoysThe Head HunterKennyOne Way OnlyTraffic Police SergeantThe ExecutorDirector None 😵Shows 星空下的傾情101 Citizen Arrest (III)查继藩