Chang Ching-PoChang Ching-PoJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Spooky, SpookyVillagerHeart of DragonTwinkle, Twinkle, Lucky StarsThai BossThe Owl vs BomboWah, Inspector LuiHocus PocusOpera Troupe BossThe ChampionsKing's AssistantThe Dead and the DeadlyMayorThe Prodigal SonTroupe ManagerEncounters of the Spooky KindUncle FokThe VictimUncleLast Hurrah for ChivalryRefuses to Pay 100 TaelsThe Legendary StrikeChinNaked Comes the HuntressMonkThe Iron-Fisted MonkA Queen's RansomBanditThe HimalayanServantThe SkyhawkThe Magnificent BoxerThe Swift KnightSix AssassinsTien Yao ChungThe Golden KnightTraitorous MonkDirector Heart of DragonAssistant DirectorThe Dead and the DeadlyAssistant DirectorThe Shaolin PlotAssistant DirectorThe HimalayanAssistant DirectorThe PirateAssistant DirectorThe Delightful ForestAssistant DirectorFive Fingers of DeathAssistant DirectorThe Swift KnightAssistant DirectorShows None 😵