Sung Boon-ChungSung Boon-ChungJan 14, 1980 FranceBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Sinking City: Capsule OdysseyFai-mingDating DeathPasserby in tunnelA Fallen AngelGangs 2001Man Wanted 3Heaven of HopeStreet Kids Violence大王(阿俊)How to Get Rich By Fung ShuiToo Many Ways to Be No. 1Ten BrothersDigger EightSixty Million Dollar ManLittle BaldieMean Street StoryPhone KingPeace HotelYoung Ting MoonPassion 1995RatPink BombMillionaire CopNaked Killer3rd WitnessDaddy, Father and PapaStudentLegend of the BrothersBeyond's DiaryStudentDirector Salt and PepperDirectorShows None 😵