Ma ShuliangMa ShuliangJul 16, 1960 Beijing,ChinaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Escaping The MadhouseThe Girl of DestinyBack To The TomorrowToday and MeQi GongMy SonMy Country, My ParentsDoctor (segment "Duck Prophet")BreakthroughHuaer Photo GallryMy People, My CountryTaxi Company Leader (segment "Hello Beijing")Bodies at RestUncle KingMr. SixLove in the 1980sBunshinsabaReign of AssassinsOil Shop Boss Chen高朋满座纪人人Director None 😵Shows Thirteen Years of DustYang Man's fatherEverybody In the HouseMa TianmingLovely UsTan HuaiminThe Three Heroes and Five GallantsJin Yu YaoRen Qin Zhi青春期撞上更年期Miao JunjieNever Look Back常回家看看老大Life CompanionMa Jian'guoHow can I rescue my Love吕布与貂蝉Biao Li, 李彪Dongzhou lieguo: Zhanguo pianQu Bo, Lü Buwei, Wei QiXi ShiBo Pi