Patti AllanPatti AllanJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Holiday CrashersDeborahKrypticSallyFriends & Family ChristmasMrs. VisserChristmas at the ChaletCeline TremblayMarried by MistakeFaye BynamA Royal Christmas MatchAunt VinnieA Fabled HolidayMildredSpotlight on ChristmasMrs. MacMillanGourmet Detective: Roux the DayJosie KleinLove, Take TwoMichelle TownsendHarry & Meghan: A Royal RomanceLady SarahChristmas PrincessJudge #2Surprised by LoveAudrey WilsonThe DormProfessor FerluciRecipe for LovePrincipal HarrisLighthouseBelleGoodnight for Justice: Queen of HeartsSecretaryIt's Christmas, Carol!GaleSmart CookiesRealtor #2ForeverlandMagic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling StoryMrs. MorganRamona and BeezusMrs. PittMrs. MiracleMilly WatersGray MattersEvelynIn Her Mother's FootstepsDr. LenoxReefer Madness: The Movie MusicalJimmy's MomD.C. Sniper: 23 Days of FearMontgomery County ConcilwomanLiving with the DeadCoronerLove LessonsDossyPersonally YoursWoman Suitress #4 (Maise)Murder on Shadow MountainCarpoolWax LipsDangerous IntentionsDomestic Violence LeaderThe Lotus EatersMiss StoreyShowdown at Williams CreekSecrets of the UnknownDirector None 😵Shows Action Man