Sotir MaynolovskiSotir MaynolovskiOct 31, 1930 ✝️ Nov 21, 2007Варна, БългарияBiography:Sin descripciónMovies TuvaluPoliticianBelated Full MoonStaretzat s nasledstvotoMonday MorningCry for HelpМорският капитанAutumn SunImage not foundKarabashevMaybe a FrigateShofyoratThe Three Deadly SinsVarnataA Cricket in the EarVlastnata's HusbandThe DragonpeasantDawn Over the DravaRusiThe Best Person I Know!Stoilcho AntovThe Quiet FugitiveImage not foundpeasantThe PrinceMen on a Business TripmechanicTsar and GeneralDirector None 😵Shows Васко да Гама от село Рупча„Антената“ - радист на корабаPetimata ot RMS