Aleksandra DanilovaAleksandra DanilovaDec 3, 1918 ✝️ Apr 20, 2004Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Forget-Me-NotsYelizaveta's GrandmotherTale of the Moon OutstandingAbout Love, Friendship and DestinyMoscow Does Not Believe in TearsGosha's NeighborСдаётся квартира с ребёнкомYou to Me, Me to Youtrain conductor (uncredited)Dust Under the SunThe Boys Were on Their Way to the FrontStory of an Unknown ActorBirds Over the CityС весельем и отвагойЖизнь на грешной землеодносельчанкаКогда расходится туманМария ГригорьевнаIf You Are a ManMasha's motherVarka's LandThe Brothers Karamazovродственница СамсоноваOnly Three NightsThe Mysterious MonkмонахиняDoctor VeraWar and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812(uncredited)Elder SisterUncle's DreamWar and Peace(uncredited)Clean PondsDusyaUnbidden LoveIf You Are RightAleksei's auntThird TimeSasha's motherPavlukhafisherwomanThe JudgmentvillagerThe CossacksLukashka's motherA Noisy DayTaisiya NikolayevnaBread and RosesBallad of a SoldierAlyosha's Neighbor (uncredited)The Day the War EndedA Groom from the Right SocietyVera Anatolyevna, K.U.K.U. employeeKnock on Any DoorThe Frigid SeaНастя ХинковаThe Return of Vasili BortnikovPraskovyaThe Fall of BerlinAir Taxizhena lotchikaActressThe District SecretaryUncreditedCollection of Films for the Armed Forces #6Swineherd and ShepherdWe Await Your Victorious ReturnGirlPeasant womanfishing crew memberStepan RazinFima (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows None 😵