Konstantin AdashevskyKonstantin AdashevskyJan 1, 1970 ✝️ Jun 1, 1987Biography:Sin descripciónMovies The RivalsLet the Fireweed Bloom!..This is the Music...I'm an ActressStanislavskyThe NightingaleAll the Evidence is Against HimDmitriy Mikhaylovich, glavbukh sovkhozaNikolay Simonov's WorldЦаревич Прошаводяной палачFear of Misery - No HappinessThe Twelve MonthsChief of Royal GuardsTenOldest footmanХозяинThief Pavel VikulovThe Red DiplomatMinister of JusticeGreen SignalsVoronov, clock masterAngle of IncidenceArtur ZavadskiyFortune's FoolФлегонт Александрыч ТропачевDead SoulsгубернаторRebellious OutpostBracelet-2commentator at the hippodrome12 ChairsТихонKaterina IzmailovaThe Chief of Chukotkamerchant BruchanovMusicians of the Same RegimentВасилий Докучаев(uncredited)ToktogulHis Time Will ComeTambu-LambuStreet Is Full of Surprisesdoorman in the restaurantRoad of TruthNikolay RybakovTwo CaptainsprofessorMikhail LomonosovThe GadflyAustrian CardinalThe CutlassphilatelistThe Boys from LeningradFactory directorZhambylGovernorThe ForestKarpThe Living CorpseAfremovMussorgskyRzhevskyRussian BallerinaSimple PeopleCookThe Girl from Leningradarmy doctorMan in a ShellсвященникThe Girlfriendsbailiff (uncredited)MoonstoneDirector None 😵Shows The Twelve MonthsНачальник королевской стражи