Isabel RuthIsabel RuthApr 6, 1940 Biography:Isabel Ruth (born 6 April 1940) is a Portuguese actress. She has appeared in over 50 films since 1963.Movies RomagemPrimeira ObraWhere Is This Street? or With No Before or AfterLove LightsAround Rocha’s TableSelfMoral OrderAvóFatimaOld WomanPortugal Não Está à VendaLídia DiasRageAmanda CarruscaThe Frog and the GirlDeolindaSundayLauraTreblinkaWeil ich dich liebeAméliaAshes and EmbersDulceIf I Were a Thief... I'd StealVersaillesA Woman's RevengeWomanJourney to PortugalInspetoraMedea MiracleLa femme sans abriE o Tempo PassaRenataThe Strange Case of AngelicaCriadaAmor CegoConstançaCold DayFrom Now OnMãeNadineDona InezMagic MirrorCelsa AndradeAdrianaEstelaThe Pedal Push CarAbuelaVanityNela CalheirosThe Uncertainty PrincipleCelsaO DelfimAninhasRendingDr. Zita PortugalI’m Going HomeMilkmaidMan of the CrowdsDr. FigueiraThe Heart's RootJuAniversárioTia JuditePeixe-LuaConceiçãoNightsCliente MulherErros MeusMãeLourdesOphelia AfarAppassionateThree Bridges on the RiverProfessor's AssistantThe MutantsIsabelAnxietyMartaRiver of GoldCarolinaGuardian AngelOssosNurse Eduarda GomesVoyage to the Beginning of the WorldOlgaA FachadaBlind Man's BluffSaleswomanTwo Brothers, My SisterVoice of Mother (voice)PaxEsmeraldaAbraham's ValleyRitinhaComaCold LandRitaAlexTeacherXavierLauraMalvadezWomanBearskin: An Urban FairytaleMrs JHard TimesSebastião's WifeAgostoCarlos' neighborThe Mountains of the MoonThe JesterIlda, Dona TeresaThe Conversation Is OverH2SOedipus RexJocasta's Maid with a Lamb (uncredited)Change of LifeAlbertinaTransfert Per Kamera Verso VirulentiaSelfSunday AfternoonLúciaThe Green YearsIldaDirector None 😵Shows The GeneralTerra BravaMercedes FerreiraAjuste de ContasMartaDiário de MariaLúciaTerra InstávelHenriquetaJoaquim LetriaSelf