Vsevolod SafonovVsevolod SafonovApr 9, 1926 ✝️ Jul 6, 1992Moscow, RSFSR, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Back in the USSRIvanDéjà vuБабочкин, профессор-энтомологThree Lemons For Loved OneВиноградовSeven Screams Across the SeaWith No Expiration DateСемён Пайгин (он же Саймон Пейдж)The Feat of OdessaYou are My Delight, My TormentAnna PavlovaWoldemar FreederickszSuch a Tough Game As HockeyK svoim!отец НиныTenderness for the Roaring BeastРазумихинDeer HuntingThe Black TriangleДмитрий Степанович КарташовSilver LakesOld DebtsSpring TripgrandfatherЗа всё в ответеRisk StrategyRight of First SignatureThe Life and Death of Ferdinand LuceFiery BridgeEleven Hopesвторой тренер Олег ПетровичБыть братомPavel LobanovAll the Evidence is Against HimChekan, polkovnik militsii, sledovatel'Repeated Weddingсекретарь горкомаПутешествие миссис ШелтонFront Without FlanksSadovnikovConscienceРассказы о Кешке и его друзьяхThe Sky Behind the CloudsListen, on the other sideBurovTaming of the FireLeonid SretenskiyThe End of the Lyubavineschief of the ChKМоре в огнеDeclaration of Love to G.T.Site ManagerByelorussian StationAleksei KiryushinCareerGolubkow (archive footage)Моя улицаVladimir MikhaylovichFar to the WestLiberty or DeathThe Russians Are ComingGolubkowWild HoneySashaOn Wild BregaThe ConscienceЗеленкевичThe Hyperboloid of Engineer GarinВиталий Васильевич ШельгаAn Easy LifeYuri LebedevSilenceSviridovAn Optimistic TragedyBeringHello, Gnat!MarekThe Law of the AntarcticViktor BelovThe Law of the AntarcticThe CossacksOlenin's friendFive Days, Five NightsHauptmann LeonowOn the EveBersenyevFellowsArkadiyOn the Other SideМатвеевThe Variegateds CaseСергей Коршунов, лейтенант милиции, следователь УгРоThe Purpose of His LifeShtormBurminSoldiersKerzhentsevDirector None 😵Shows Shore of his lifeSir John RobertsonOgnennye dorogiThe Life and Death of Ferdinand LuceVladimirov - Soviet journalistConscienceЛеонид Фомич Уваров, Фёдор Гаврилович ДросовVashingtonskiy KorrespondentPeter Gromov