Vasile AlbinețImage not foundVasile AlbinețFeb 12, 1968 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies BarbarossaAlcibideAnacondas: Trail of BloodMercenary #4The Esseker FileHospital Orderly 1Headless HorsemanHeadless, Calvin MontgomeryFlight of FuryRebel ForcesA Cursed MonarchyCount7 SecondsRussian (uncredited)What a Happy WorldBodyguardTandrețea lăcustelorImage not foundThe Woman in RedGangsterToo LateMinerPoint ZeroImage not foundAgentLast GaspMercenary (uncredited)The Idle Princes of the Old CourtTurk commanderMirrorGerman officerSomnul insuleiPolițistThe Secret of the Secret WeaponThe Accursed KingsCountDirector None 😵Shows The Accursed KingsCount