Suzuki MatsuoSuzuki MatsuoDec 15, 1962 Fukuoka, JapanBiography:Matsuo Suzuki, born Matsuo Katsuyuki on December 15, 1962 in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, is a Japanese actor, director, and screenwriter.Movies fukusukeShin Kamen RiderFounder of ShockerThe World of TsudamanI Am MakimotoHiramitsu大人計画ウーマンリブvol.14「もうがまんできない」Kaiji: Final GameTaro Otsuki108: Revenge and Adventure of Goro KaibaGoro KaibaDragon Quest: Your StoryLudman (voice)LOUDER! Can't Hear What You're Singin', Wimp!Tornado GirlKinoshitaShin GodzillaHayafune : Free JournalistGattan Gattan Soredemo GoKotani YoshioA Farewell to JinuTajimiDisconcerto小新R100ManagerIt's Me It's MeAmachanKaifukusukeTada's Do-It-All HouseShinVillainTsutsumishitaThe Shock LabyrinthTanbaKaiji: The Ultimate GamblerTaro OtsukiRoboGeishaKenta GotokujiHeat IslandOritaThe Insects Unlisted in the EncyclopediaEndoTen Nights of DreamsHyakkenHyakken: A First Night of DreamsHyakkenA Cheerful Gang Turns the EarthKamodaForbidden SirenAzumaUnder the Same MoonNakataSummer of UbumeNaitoIn the PoolPsychiatrist Ichirô IrabuYaji & Kita: The Midnight PilgrimsBearded OiranBe with YouCake Shop OwnerOtakus in LoveMarimodaCutie HoneyHead SupervisorTracing JakeJAPANESE NAKED TRIBEA Larva to LoveDriveChicken HeartMaruPing PongPolice Officer on the BridgeThe Choice of HerculesRyusei-KachoRyusei KachoIchi the KillerJirô, Saburôエロスの果てRitualMan (voice)NODA・MAP版「パンドラの鐘」A New Love in TokyoMatsukiNight HeadYosuke TsuzukiTokyo BloodPsychic Theater Mr. Maric's Super Magic VDirector fukusukeDirectorDrive In CaliforniaDirectorPa Rum Pum Pum PumDirector108: Revenge and Adventure of Goro KaibaDirectorA Farewell to JinuDirectorfukusukeDirectorWelcome to the Quiet RoomDirectorTen Nights of DreamsDirectorFemaleDirectorOtakus in LoveDirectorKirei kamisama to machiawase shita on'naDirectorエロスの果てDirectorShows SanctuaryToday's NekomuraInugami KinnosukeHokuto: Some Murderer's ConversionThe Dragon DentistSalvatore Bianco (voice)ChikaemonChikamatsu MonzaemonChikaemonChikamatsu MonzaemonBotanical Life of VarendarUmekichi MotegiAmachanKaiPresumed GuiltyHiroaki SakaiTaro no TōAtami's Police InvestigatorsShuin TouManhattan Love StorySatoshi DoigakiFLCLKamon Nandaba (voice)