Ivan PereverzevIvan PereverzevSep 3, 1914 ✝️ Apr 23, 1978Kuzminki, Bolkhovskiy uezd, Orlovskaya guberniya, Russian EmpireBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Front Beyond the Front LineYou Will Gain In BattleImage not foundIgnat TroilinFront Without FlanksFather Pavel (Pavel Ivanovich Vorobyov)A Very English MurderБриггсAdventures in the City which Doesn't ExistJohn SilverRipe CherriesDr. IwanowMan in the Passage YardIvan Fedorovich Voitin, Varaksin's neighbor by hotel numberParty SecretaryShpakLiberation: Direction of the Main BlowGen. ChuykovLiberation: The Break ThroughGen. ChuykovRed RowanMajorDangerous Tourgeneral-governorBonivur's HeartZhilinTime to LiveThe Great BattleGen. ChuykovThe Name DayThe New Adventures of the Elusive Avengerschief of staffStrong with SpiritDmitriy Nikolaevich MedvedevThe GypsyIvan DmitrievichDağlarda DöyüşThe Grey IllnessFarewellДержавенкоFuryRittmeister LuchitskyBlack BusinessAlexey MelnikovThe Enchanted Desnaconstruction managerSilenceLukovskiyЗнакомьтесь, Балуев!Young-GreenCheremnykhBattle Beyond the SunYevgeny Petrovich KornevВасилий ДокучаевVasiliy DokuchaevScarlet SailsLongreneИду к вам!Midshipman PaninIvan GrigoryevNebo ZovyotYevgeny Petrovich KornevDer Himmel RuftYevgeny Petrovich KornevKiev ResidentКамышинMy Dear FellowKozyrevThe Variegateds Case«Незнакомец», шпионShine, My StarParty SecretaryThe Blue ArrowBelskyDominated by goldТихон Кондратьевич Молоков, золотопромышленникThe Tight KnotParty Leader (Sasha cut)The End of Chirva-Kozyrсекретарь окружкомаThe Mystery of the Eternal NightThe Lesson of LifeSergei RomashkoHeroes of ShipkaKatorginAttack from the SeaFyodor UshakovAdmiral UshakovАдмирал УшаковThe Magic Voyage of SinbadTimofey LarionovichSadkoTimofey Larionovichმწვერვალთა დამპყრობნიTaras ShevchenkoZygmunt SierakowskiDream of a CossackBoichenkoSud chestiThe Third BlowGeneral Yakov KreizerThe Tale of the "Neistoviy"The WinnerNikita KrutikovIt Happened in the DonbassStepan Andreyevich RyabininIvan Nikulin: Russian SailorIvan NikulinNative ShoresRoad to the StarsAleksandr Parkhomenkored army commander (uncredited)The Magic SeedThe Sea HawkPrairie StationStepan PotaninMy LoveLyoshaThe Private Life of Pyotr VinogradovDirector None 😵Shows The salt of the earthМарей Гордеевич ДобролетовMan in the Passage YardIvan Fedorovich Voitin, Varaksin's neighbor by hotel number