Esaad YounesEsaad YounesApr 12, 1950 Cairo, EgyptBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Azima's GangعظيمةTwo For RentFadel and NeamaبنفسهاFor Zekoبنفسها (رئيسة المسابقة)200 poundsعزيزة السيدWithout Mentioning NamesNot found in TMDBAlzheimer'sمديرة دار المسنينThe Yacoubian BuildingDawlat El DessoukiDays of El SadatHematإنذار بالقتلAbou DahabNot found in TMDBAbo DahabBallo BalloكريمةLove and Revenge... With a Meat CleaverFathiyaAlwad syd alnasabSahbk Men BakhtkAl'astaa maharuwsزينبLeleit gawaz al shaghalaVery naughty familyAlmoshaghib SittaThe Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s ArrestZaghloul Al-AshmawyAli Baba's Trialمديحةموعد مع الوزيرA Woman in JailDina, HanfyNas haysa wnas laysaFatuat darab aleisalAlmagnoonaسعاد, نادية, فردوس, نوالMaghawry in collegeLailaBitter honey of loveJuha Governs the CityJuha Governs The CityنجوىFawazia The BourgeoisieAll Is WellTabounet Hamza - طابونة حمزةRedaDevilish DaughtersForbidden GamesThe LuckysafaaA Boy Child, AmenSafaaوالسيدة حرمهأطاليا أم عرفه, سوسنThe BeggerAl Avokatoعصمت عبدالجوادإضراب المجانينWhy Is Masoud HappyLuck BeachHanaaGhurayb wld eajibFive in HellHassan Beh El GhalbanAisha SalemThe LockThe Soul's beautyMadihaMekhemar Is Always Readyعروسة وجوز عرسانMothers in ExileHekmatMin yajnn myn?Shaaban Below ZeroZeinabTroublemakerSamiraTears Without SinsسميحةDesireSalwaEsteqalet Alemet ZarraCrazy BrideAfraid of SomethingLailaWe Are the Bus Peopleسونياالدخول بالملابس الرسميةStar MakerPrayer of the oppressedالدكتور زوجة مدحتRendezvous with SosoWantaha Al-HobMe, My daughter and LoveAn unfinished crimeHudaمسرحية عروسة تجننNadiaأسعد سعيد في العالمDirector None 😵Shows Tita Zuzuزوزوinterviewضيفة شرفReasons for TravelFull Countحياة عبد الجوادThe ReturneesHer ExcellencyLahfaPatientWithout Mentioning NamesFalling in Sabe WellBakiza and ZaghloulزغلولWhen The World TurnsMizo's Story